Saturday, May 27

Golden Keyboard Award

On Monday I asked you to tell me "What I'd Never Give My Kid..." and I got some great responses. Lots of people mentioned cell phones for young kids, and computers and TV's in bedrooms. Renee argued convincingly for simpler toys.

Avery blogged touchingly (on my site--grin) about the ways we fail as parents-- I could so relate to his feelings of falling short of the mark when parenting. Karen talked about the importance of balance in all our parenting decisions-- that's a hugely important thing in my mind too.

But today the Golden Keyboard is going to Elizabeth of Planet Nomad. Obviously we can't all raise our kids in Africa. But we'd all do well to try to raise our kids to always remember how blessed they are, and to be conscious of the many people in the world who have so much less. A tall order for American families. But one worth striving for.


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent choice! I love her blog.

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Mary! I'm honoured.


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